
6 Common House Bugs in Texas You Need To Watch Out For

common house bugs in Texas

While many Texas residents like to think that their homes are free of bugs, many times, this is not the case.

House bugs know how to find their way into homes and cause different levels of discomfort. So, if you find out you have a bug infestation or if you are looking for ways to prevent one, the first step to getting rid of bugs is becoming familiar with those common in the terrain.

Here, we’ve provided important information on some common house bugs in Texas and how to prevent and control their presence in your home. While some are harmless, others can spread diseases and trigger allergic reactions.

For this reason, you should know how to protect your home from being infested by these common pests.

Common bugs in Texas include:

6 Common House Bugs in Texas You Need To Watch Out For pin 1

Common Bugs Seen in Texas Homes and How to Keep Them Away

Bugs found in homes across Texas come in different varieties ranging from harmless ones, like silverfish and termites that form a permanent base in homes, to threat bugs, like mosquitoes, spiders, and cockroaches, which pose health risks.

In addition to this, some like carpet beetles and crickets are occasional invaders, appearing only during spring and summer, while a few outdoor pests like millipedes and centipedes are uncommon occupants, sometimes finding their way into homes through openings, cracks and crawl spaces.

Let’s discuss a few of these common pests with tips on how to rid your home of them:

1. Cockroaches

Cockroaches come in their numbers when infesting a home and cause several diseases and allergies. Due to their fast breeding cycle, they tend to multiply rapidly, and you’ll likely find them creeping into dark corners of areas with a water source, such as your kitchen, bathroom, or laundry room.

These bugs are more active at night and would pitch their tents inside cabinets, food containers, trash cans, and pretty much any untidy area in sight.

One very common species found in Texas is the German cockroach. This cockroach species prefers dry areas like attics and bedrooms.

They also often hide within cracks and inside some electrical appliances, making it challenging to spot and get rid of them. For this reason, preventing these dark novel-shaped bugs from entering your home is easier than attempting to control the infestation, especially if it’s severe.

If you suspect that there are cockroaches in your home, you can get rid of them by thoroughly cleaning every area. Ensure you target dark corners and dispose of empty containers you don’t use. Next, ensure you store your food properly, particularly the ones these bugs are drawn to. A typical example is cereals; they should be stored in tightly sealed containers.

After this, look for possible areas these bugs use to enter your home, such as cracks and crevices in walls and pipes, and seal them up. Also, you can try out some off-the-shelf bug baits, but it’s best to seek out a pest controller if you notice a disturbing level of infestation.

Foldable Electric USB Rechargeable Bug Zapper Racket

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $14.99.

Folding Electric Light Catalyst Bug Zapper Racket

Original price was: $42.99.Current price is: $31.99.

Cordless Battery Power Bug Zapper Racket

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $6.99.

2. Carpet Beetle

Carpet Beetle 1

Image Credit: paratex.pest

Almost everyone in Texas is familiar with the carpet beetle. These are tiny insects found in closets, attics, and other dark, not frequently visited areas of the home. As fabric pests, they usually hide and feed on carpets, furniture, and old clothes.

Although it is possible to find them all year round, springtime is when they usually come out in numbers. The good thing about carpet beetles is that they’re harmless bugs incapable of biting humans or pets or causing any disease.

Interestingly enough, adult carpet beetles are largely outdoor bugs and would only fly into your home to lay eggs on things made of fabric or animal material. They usually come in black, brown colors with white spots and are easy to catch sight of due to their relatively large sizes compared to their larvae.

The larvae, on the other hand, live and grow in homes, damaging carpets, wool, silk, leather, and feathers in the process.

  • How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

Although carpet beetles don’t pose any threat to your health, a bad infestation can cause a nuisance to your home. Therefore, it’s advisable to take preventive measures by regularly cleaning areas where they’re likely to be. Ensure you vacuum your carpets and dust off your furniture.

Likewise, regularly Inspect your potted plants, especially during the spring, as these insects tend to find them cozy and good for food. Keep in mind that they can get into cars too, so you may need to clean your car’s floor mats too.

3. Termites

Termite 1

Image Credit: knoxpestmanagement

Termites are tiny insects known for their wood-destroying abilities. Although you’ll mostly see them in rural areas having lots of farmlands, they are very present in urban areas, especially during spring and summer.

Termites wreak havoc on furniture, mattresses, and wooden surfaces such as walls and ceiling panels pests. In some cases, they’ve been known to cause an entire wooden structure to collapse, making them one of the most destructive bugs you can find in a home.

In Texas, two main species of termites can cause much damage to homes: Formosan termites and drywood termites.

Luckily, these insects do not spread diseases and aren’t known to bite people, but this shouldn’t make you less alarmed if you find them in your home. In fact, if you notice a termite infestation, do not attempt using DIY solutions, as these do not eliminate them. Instead, seek immediate professional help to properly assess the situation and recommend effective measures.

3000V USB Rechargeable Foldable Indoor Bug Zapper

Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $14.99.

3 IN 1 Electric Indoor Bug Zapper

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $5.99.

3 In 1 Widening 3000V C-type indoor bug zapper

Original price was: $28.99.Current price is: $21.99.

4. Silverfish


Image Credit: bugs_at_williams

As the name implies, silverfish are tiny silver-gray-colored insects with scale-like features usually found in damp places like most Texas homes’ kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. They aren’t known to bite or spread diseases but feed on paper, cotton, and stored food, particularly ones containing starch and cellulose.

The challenge with getting rid of silverfish is their ability to breed fast. Also, these insects rapidly reproduce and can hide within cracks and holes in surfaces around your home, making them difficult to spot.

  • How to Get Rid of Silverfish

Since they are difficult to spot it’s always wise to prevent them from gaining entrance into your home. One way to achieve this is by sealing cracks or tiny openings around your house. Likewise, you can follow a regular cleaning routine and be sure to dust every area of your home. Finally, ensure you properly store your cereals and whole grains, as these insects are likely to feed on them.

However, if you spot silverfish in your home at any point, the best step to take is to seek professional pest control services.

5. Drain Fly and Housefly

Drain Fly and Housefly 1

Image Credit: volgalynne

These two flies give most homeowners in Texas a hard time due to how difficult it is to get rid of them. You’ll likely spot them perching or hovering over garbage and other organic debris.

Likewise, you’ll find them in homes having stagnant water in their yard, as that is typically their suitable breeding site. Another point to note is that drain flies can infest your refrigerator, especially if you have anything stale or rotten in it.

  • How to Get Rid of Drain Fly and Housefly

To get rid of these pesky bugs, ensure you clear all drains, gutters, and sewer pipes, as this will eliminate their breeding sites. Also, keep trash cans and compost bins within and outside your home clean and well-covered, and occasionally inspect your refrigerator and dispose of any rotten food substance.

Finally, bug sprays effectively control the presence of drain and house flies in your home. So be sure to get one from a reputable brand and spray areas you find them lurking.

6 Pack US Plug Ultrasonic Pest Control Repeller

Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $11.99.

Led Night Light Outdoor Indoor Ultrasonic Pest Control Repeller

Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $5.99.

Hanging Hook Chargeable Ultrasonic Pest Control Repeller

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $5.99.

6. Centipedes

Centipedes 1

Image Credit: wildlife_with_shady

Centipedes are often mistaken for millipedes because both bugs have long, segmented bodies and many legs. These insects love dark and damp areas around the home and would crawl into tiny cracks to avoid being seen.

Although many find their presence irritating, centipedes prey on aphids, crickets, and silverfish, proving how beneficial they are in controlling these pests.

Although they may bite, especially when they feel attacked, they’re not a threat to your health. Most times, they’d rather retreat into their crawl spaces when they sense an attack than bite. However, you should still take measures to get rid of them once you frequently start spotting them in your home.

  • How to Get Rid of Centipedes

To get rid of centipedes, begin with sealing up any cracks and crawl space on walls and floors. Then proceed to spray peppermint essential oils made in likely areas. You can rest assured that these bugs will run off once they perceive the essential oil, as they can’t stand the smell.

Also, try eliminating their food source by killing off other bugs they prey on. Finally, keep a clean space because, like many other bugs, centipedes may find a way into your home if it’s untidy.


Although there are many other bugs you can find in your home, such as spiders, fire ants, and bees, the ones we’ve discussed can be quite troublesome and require specific procedures to control and prevent them from wreaking havoc. Luckily, we’ve provided that for you.

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